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× Performance for Dogs Nutra-Nuggets Performance for dogs 15Kg $48,900
× PetHead Life's an Itch PancitasPets Pet Head Life's an Itch Shampoo $11,900
× Indomitable Grain Free Vegan Beef PancitasPets Indomitable Grain Free Vegan Beef 460g $3,490
× Taste Of The Wild Turkey Tray Pancitaspets Taste of the Wild Tray Turkey Bandeja 390g $4,200
× Leonardo GF Poultry PancitasPets.cl Leonardo Adult GF Poultry 7.5kg $64,700

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Totales del carrito

Subtotal $133,190

Enviar a Santiago Centro.

Total $133,190 (incluye $21,266 Impuestos)